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Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer

Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer

Welcome to Leonardtown Wildcats Cheer! We're happy to have you on the squad!

General Info:
The Leonardtown Wildcats Cheerleading season begins around July 1st, and runs through the end of November. The Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheerleading program provides opportunities for children ages 4-14 years old.
Cheer Squad Divisions:

Cheerleaders are placed on squads based on their birth year and level of skill, to allow us to balance squads with an adequate number of cheerleaders and ensure proper instruction and coaching. Special considerations on squad placement will be decided by the Vice President of Cheerleading and Cheer Commissioners.


The Leonardtown Wildcats provide uniforms (skirts & shells) for all cheerleaders. Uniforms will be handed out at a designated time once practices start. A uniform deposit fee of $100.00 is required at the time the uniform is issued (check or credit card number accepted). Uniforms (shell & skirt) must be returned at the end of the season, or at the time a cheerleader is no longer participating in the program. If the uniform is not returned, clean and undamaged, parents are responsible for full payment of the uniform and the deposit will be cashed. Bows, socks, briefs, under shirt, and shoes do not need to be returned at the end of the season.


Official practices start the first week of July, and occur 2-3 days per week, depending on age group and coaches discretion. You will be contacted by your cheer coach prior to the start of practices. We also offer camps throughout the summer - keep an eye on our social media for those announcements. Practices are held at Dorsey Park at the pavilion behind the baseball fields, next to the bathroom. Squads will eventually move to indoor practices later in the season. These practices are held at SMCPS schools throughout the county, coaches will provide the location later in the season. Cheerleaders are expected to attend all practices.

Game Schedule:

Game schedules will be provided once the full football schedule is produced by the SMYAC board of directors. There are typically 8 weeks in the regular season. Each cheer squad is expected to cover as many football games as possible, therefore, there will be weeks that a squad will need to cheer multiple games. Additional games will include playoffs and SMYAC Championships. Games are typically played on Saturdays, and run from late August/early September-November. Cheerleaders are expected to attend all games.


Cheer squads will compete in 1-3 competitions per season, at the discretion of the Vice President of Cheer and Cheer Commissioners. Competitions will be announced at the beginning of the season.

If you would like to volunteer as a Cheer Coach, please fill out the application below:


Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer
P.O.Box 284 
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650

Phone: 301-904-2223
Email: [email protected]

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