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Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer

Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer

Frequently asked questions

***Where do the Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer practice?
** All practices are held at Dorsey park. Dorsey Park is located at 24275 Hollywood Road, Hollywood Maryland 20650.

Where are Wildcats home games played?
**All home games are at Dorsey park, at the multipurpose field.

***What does it cost to play football or to cheer?
** TACKLE Football Registration is $250
** Cheer Registration is $200

***Do I get a discount if I have more than one player or cheerleader?
After your first child you will receive a $25 discount for each additional child, up to 3 children.

***What will I need to buy in addition to the equipment that the Wildcats supply?
** You will be responsible for football cleats, an athletic supporter, and an athletic girdle for practice pants (5-piece compression girdle).  Athletic girdles are available for sale either online or you can find them at any sporting goods store.  We will provide knee pads.

***What does my registration fee cover (Football)?
**The registration costs cover a secondary insurance policy that is mandatory to participate on any Rec and Parks Field, field maintenance (paint, ropes, etc.), participation fees, equipment reconditioning and a major cost is REFEREES. 

***What must be returned at the end of the season?
**All equipment issued for use must be returned including helmets, chin straps, ear pieces, shoulder pads, uniforms including practice and game pants, and knee pads.

***How Can I Help? Volunteer?
**Please contact Emily Gayo ([email protected]) for football inquiries; or Vicki Stevens,  [email protected] for cheerleading inquiries.  All coaches must pass a community standards background check provided by St. Mary's County Recreation and Parks.  All coaches must take a concussion awareness course and remain a member of NAYS.

***How can I be guaranteed a Team when I register?
**Please sign up early!  However, we can not guarantee any request.  We will do our best to try and honor them.


Leonardtown Wildcats Football and Cheer
P.O.Box 284 
Leonardtown, Maryland 20650

Phone: 301-904-2223
Email: [email protected]

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